Shingles/Post-Herpetic Pain
Following several visits for shingles to a highly respected area neurologist, I asked about acupuncture as a means to relieve the pain which can linger long after treatment by a physician. He fully supported the idea, as did our regular family doctor, as well as a close relative–also a physician. During my initial visit to Karen Hand, a licensed acupuncturist, she described at great length and in a most informative, forthright manner, her approach and what I might expect. Today, after a series of treatments, while I still have an occasional bout of discomfort, the burning, tingling and intense accompanying itchiness and pain have disappeared. And never returned! Making my life much healthier and far more enjoyable. I have also spoken with others among Karen’s patients who have had a variety of afflictions and who likewise have been most pleased with the results of her treatments. I wholeheartedly recommend Karen Hand as a highly competent practitioner of acupuncture as well as a delightful, sensitive and caring professional.
S.C. Longmeadow
UPDATE: Why I’m writing is to advise you that the two places where the shingles were the most brutal and which your treatments completely cured remain shingles-less. Thank God and thank K.H.