Image result for the dragon's way
THE DRAGON'S WAY® is a unique weight loss program which is based on the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The Dragon's Way is an instructor-led program of one-hour classes which meets weekly at LASATA for six weeks.  During this program, participants are given simple, yet powerful tools in the form of:

  •      WU MING QIGONG--A series of ten gentle exercises which, when performed daily, stretch the energy channels or meridians of the body and reawaken the body's innate ability to heal
  •      EATING FOR HEALING--A selection of specially selected foods to eat during the six weeks which will conserve Qi for healing, increase Qi for strengthening and which support the primary organ systems in the body. When these organs regain their healthy function the body can lose weight easily and naturally
  •      GUIDANCE FOR SELF-HEALING--Participants are presented with easy to comprehend explanations of the significant causes and triggers of weight gain and ill health in today's stress-filled world. With the aid of herbal formulas, daily tips and recipes, Dragon's Way participants are well on their way to healing by the end of the program, armed with the tools to achieve balance, harmony and better health.

By healing the root cause of weight gain, participants can "give up" rather than "lose" weight and can, at last, end the cycle of weight loss/gain experienced with many other approaches to weight management.  The Dragon's Way is beneficial for anyone looking for improved health, increased vitality and stress management. 

The Dragon's Way® was developed by Nan Lu, L.Ac., OMD.  Dr. Lu chose Wu Ming Qigong as the cornerstone of this program which was developed to help anyone, anywhere, uncover the root cause of weight problems and imbalances caused by stress.  To find out more about The Dragon's Way, Dr. Nan Lu and the Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation visit their website at:


The Dragon's Way®, followed faithfully, will change your body, your energy, your spirit and your life.  Let the Dragon's Way become Your Way!